Shift in the Atmosphere

I know its been a minute since my last post, but every now and then I take a break from the whole "internet/social media" scene. This allows me to redirect my focus on other things, as I do not want to be overly consumed by the issues of this world. Sometimes we all need to just take a step back, evaluate, meditate, and do whatever it takes to allow room for growth in our lives. So, that's exactly what I did...

While I was away...I've noticed a shift in the atmosphere. Things are changing. Roles are changing. Genres, views, and classes are changing. Most definitely, things are changing in the spiritual realm....and just in case y'all didn't already know this, God is always up to something. He's always working things out behind the scenes on our behalf.

So you ask the question, what does all this have to do with a "Shift in the Atmosphere"?

Well, to answer that question, let's put it this way...
Is it me or have you also noticed that family just isn't the same as it used to be? I mean it just doesn't seem as close as it was. I had a friend to tell me he felt the same way for Thanksgiving, because he used to have many houses to go to for Thanksgiving; but now there aren't that many. He stated that he didn't feel that sense of family togetherness like he used to. We were both trying to figure out what's going on with families today. Is it an attack from the enemy to try and keep families apart? or could it just be that this is a season for everyone to work on themselves?

Have you also noticed how all eyes have been on our current President and how much media coverage there's been? Let's rule out the fact that our President is Black. How many of us have actually cared this much about the Presidential campaign prior to President Barack Obama? Which leaves me to other thoughts...hmmmm.....things really are shifting. Remember when there was a time when people were fighting for voting rights as well as civil rights? Now look how far we've come. Things have shifted to the point that we actually have a Black President.

Those are just 2 examples of the shift I'm talking about. Now let us consider the Spiritual shift...

With everything that's going on in the world right now that aligns with Bible prophesy, how many churches do you know or have attended are currently speaking of such End Time prophetic events?

I know, I know....I went there. Remember, I think outside the box and not only see with my natural eye, but with my spiritual eye as well. So the spiritual part of the shift I'm talking about is what I call an "unction". It's a feeling or a knowing deep within you belly or your soul...that something major is going on behind the scenes. You can't explain it, but you just know that you know that you know....something is up. You have an unction that things are going to get better, but they usually get worse before they get better. You have an unction that All will eventually be well and you will be smiling and filled with so much more joy like never before! Not just from material things, but in all aspects of your life you just know that this shift is part of the process to align things in your life, to make room for growth, change, prosperity, health, wellness, and most importantly....spiritual awakening! Because afterall, what good is the body without a spirit?

Those who have  the kind of spiritual relationship with the Father know exactly where I'm coming from.

So, with all of this being said...just keep all your eyes open and be in expectancy for what is to come. The Shift is underway!

Be Blessed!

K.R. Brumfield


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