Things Aren't What They Seem

     So, I've opted in to receive email updates of news and events from one of our Dallas Radio stations, 94.5. Today, I received an email informing me that Beyonce` has just signed a $50 Million dollar deal with Pepsi! My immediate reaction was....WOW!!!
     Then I thought about something else. If Pepsi, NFL, NBA, as well as other entertainment and corporate entities can afford to pay celebrities this kind of money, then why is America in a so-called "Economic Crisis"?
     That's because I don't believe we really are in such a crisis. I'm not buying into all the hype. I think its just a ploy to keep our minds thinking a certain way or to keep us ignorant to certain things.

     Now back to this email update I received...

     Me and a friend of mine got to discussing this email/article, and came to the conclusion that this is ridiculous. We both agreed that this additional money is not a necessity for Beyonce`. Then my friend made the statement, "I sure hope she donates the money". Those were my sentiments exactly. Why don't she just donate the money to someone or an organization that's in need? Trust me, she will not miss a dime of it. With all the endorsement deals she already has, her clothing line, perfume line, album sales, as well as being the wifey of the infamous Jay-Z, she is set for the rest of her life.
     Then I got to thinking about the deal that Dave Chapelle walked away from a few years ago. Maybe Beyonce` should've done the same thing, but I guess she's too far gone to do so.
     Anyway, I'm only stating my opinion, as we cannot tell others how to spend their money. All we can do is hope and pray  for the best.
     If you're interested in reading the article, here is the link:

- K.R. Brumfield


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