Heavy Heart
En Lieu of the tragic Connecticut Elementary School massacre, I wrote a poem.
Heavy Heart
Feels like a ton of bricks
It makes me sick
To see a tragedy like this
Dear God minds need to be
Hearts need mending
On You we need to get back
to depending
For this world is on its
way to a treacherous ending
But if we invite you in again
It could be the start of a
new beginning
With a heavy heart
We ask for a new start
Touch our hearts
Heal our minds
With a heavy heart
Our souls ache
And hands shake
All in wake
Of this savage slaughter
With a heavy heart
Tears have fallen
Parents are distraught
For that day will forever
be thought
As a nation brought
Down on its knees
~ K.R. Brumfield
My heart was so heavy on the day I found out about the tragedy. I was at work on the phone when I saw a posting on Twitter by Anderson Cooper. Thankfully I was on hold at the time, because tears began to flow and I got choked up at the thought of something like this occurring so soon before Christmas. My heart sank as I thought about all the parents and how this holiday season will forever remind them of such heartache and pain.
So, eventually I was able to get myself together and get back to work; but I had to throw up some serious prayers on behalf of those parents, their siblings, friends, other relatives, their community, and let's not forget about the first responders! I don't even want to imagine the scene they had to enter upon. OMG!!!! is all I could say.
Lord, please grant these responders the strength to do their jobs so they can begin to help the parents and this community heal from this. Lord, we may never understand why such tragedies occur, but all we can do at a time like this is pray, trust, and believe that You will make everything alright. I pray that You will give this community peace in the midst of their storm.