Rescuing Lois Lane

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Last week while braiding my stepdaughter's hair, a song came on the Music Choice cable channel that I was listening to, and it really grabbed my attention. The musical track is what captured my attention at first. Then, I paid closer attention to the lyrics and said, "oh my goodness! That song not only has a nice, catchy melody to it, but it has a lot of gems within the lyrics."

As I'm sure you all know how my mind operates by now...I started seriously contemplating those lyrics, and I decided to look up the artist and the song on YouTube so I could really analyze those lyrics even more.

I could share how I broke down and analyzed every verse of the song, but then this blog post would be much longer than I planned. So, I'll spare you all some time by just giving my broad observation and thoughts of the song.

First and foremost, the song is about a woman being ready to be rescued by Mr. Right, who would be symbolic of Superman coming to save Lois Lane.

Check out the song by clicking
this video...

Source:  YouTube -

I gotta be honest and say that my mind took me back to that old school rap song that later became the saying "Captain Save A Hoe"; but my mind also quickly shot that down in the case of this particular song I had recently heard, because not every woman needs to be saved financially, as the "Captain Save A Hoe" song was specifically about gold diggers hitting the jackpot with a guy. In the case of this Lois Lane song, as well as many women's lives, they just want to be rescued emotionally and physically. Often times women just want to feel safe, secure, and loved.

In this song, the artist, Porcelan, spoke about needing Mr. Right to come right away to hold her through the night. Sadly, some people's minds can't imagine laying in the same bed with the opposite sex without having sex! People who generally think like this don't have self-control of their bodies, and nor do they understand the meaning of intimacy, romance, and/or sensuality. I say that because sometimes a woman just needs to be held and caressed ever so gently...without penetration! And without the exchange of sex for material things like money, clothes, jewelry, etc...

Here are a few things that stood out to me the most about this song:

  • INTRO - "Put on your cape I need you..."
    • The keywords here for me were cape and need. This screams rescue, trust, and respect; because to actually tell someone that you need them and to demand them to take action by putting on that cape, lets me know that she has to trust and/or believe that he is capable of really coming to her rescue.
  • VERSE 1 - "I don't need to practice...I don't wanna go through Mr. Wrong to find Mr. Right...Can we skip the part... where I give away my heart... to someone that may turn it into ice..." 
    • Once again, there is a trust factor here. She doesn't trust Mr. Wrong, but trusts that Mr. Right a.k.a. Superman will be gentle with her heart. She's trying to avoid bad relationships, but in all honesty sometimes it just doesn't work that way.There are many times in life we have to go through the fire in order to find out exactly what we want or need. That's just life, and she's right, love definitely doesn't play fair. Remember the saying, "All is fair in love and war"? Ain't that the truth! I can testify to this!
  • CHORUS - "I need... for you to come and save me... from all the bad ones for me...dodging these bullets now can you please put on your cape...Lately, I've been feeling kind of lonely...wishing that you would come and hold me...hold me through the night...I'm ready to be Lois Lane."
    • Man oh man, can I testify here?! 
    • When she says dodging bullets, I think of the times when I chose to remain single and stay focused on other things; but it seemed like all the wrong guys would try to holler at me. If you're not strong, you'd easily give in and miss out on really playing the role of Lois Lane.

As far as being lonely and wishing to be held, I can testify to this too.
I can't even begin to tell you how many times and nights I cried myself to sleep because of loneliness and frustration to the point of being on the verge of pulling a Jazmine Sullivan move. Y'all know that catchy song! Y'all are probably singing it right now as you read this and changing up the words to go like..."I'll bust the windows out his car..." Lol...I'm laughing now because these were moments I had long before Jazmine Sullivan even stepped on the scene. Yes! I had moments where I almost busted windows & flattened tires, because I couldn't stand liars...still can't!
However, my sanity and freedom was more valuable than catching a case for some BS! Besides, I had smarter ways of getting revenge back then.

Nevertheless, I've shared all of that to say this...
There's nothing like coming to realize your own value and worth, which will then allow you to move and think differently, especially regarding matters of the heart.

I had to learn the hard way that once you know your value and worth, then you can truly walk in happiness & self confidence and start attracting those same traits in a mate.

Now let's shift gears for a moment to another analytical aspect or idea I had from this song.

Just imagine for a minute, this entire song is about a superhero coming to rescue a woman in emotional need. Hmm... so what if you already have a man? I gotta say, ain't nothing like being held, caressed, and loved by a strong, Black man!
So, if you already have a man, but you're feeling like Lois Lane, then maybe you can buy him a cape and dress yourself up like a reporter with glasses and all. Make it fun. Make it happen! There's nothing wrong with being creative and adventurous in your relationship.

On the other hand, if you're still waiting for Mr. Right or Superman, please know that there's nothing wrong with being patient.
Just think how long it took Superman to reveal to Lois Lane his true identity.

Lastly, remember, keep moving forward to shine like the star that you were created to be, and all else will fall in place!


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