
Showing posts from 2014

Your Circle

I recently listened to a Motivational segment by a leading business professional on the topic of quitting. She gave lots of encouraging words & spoke about surrounding yourself with good, positive-minded individuals. So, I pose these questions today: who are you surrounded by? Who's in your circle? Are you pushing, inspiring, and motivating them? Are they reciprocating? Is  your circle beneficial or detrimental to your growth & success? Are you beneficial to them? Yes, it's a two-way street! The business professional went on to say that you MUST stay away from negative people, because they will only bring you down. Well I'm gonna add to that... If you want to do more, have more, & grow more as an individual, hanging around or socializing with small-minded, negative thinkers, your growth will be hindered. So, why keep such people around? I know a lot of people tend to think that I'm a peculiar or anti-social person because I come across as being too qui...

Part 2 - From Epidemic to Extinction: Unnecessary Deaths of Black Men in America

      Six years ago I posted a blog titled "From Epidemic to Extinction", which entailed the widespread impact of HIV/AIDS within the African-American community.      Sad to say, but it seems as though we are definitely on the verge of extinction as a race of people, especially in lieu of all the racial profiling incidents that's been going on across America, thus leading to to several unnecessary deaths of young African-American males.      With that being said, I've been compelled to expound upon my previous blog post listed above. So, without further ado, let me go ahead and elaborate...       HIV death rates for Black men from 1990 to 2010 per 100,000 resident population was 414.6.  (Table 31, pg. 1)      According to, due to delays in reporting of deaths, data is only available through the end of 2010, which is why I am unable to provide ...

Enough is Enough!

I usually don't like to share or post such negativity early in the morning,  but this story has compelled me to do otherwise;  because when exactly is Enough...enough?! It's really starting to seem like it's open season or All out War against the Black man! ***Now before anyone quickly says there she goes talking about race again or label me as a racist or race bater, I am just simply stating Facts! Continuing on.... With stories like Trayvon Martin, Jordan Davis, Oscar Grant, Kendrick Johnson, among many others wrongfully killed because of racial profiling, and now Eric Garner, something MUST be done about all this unnecessary evil. I'm going to make this post as brief as I can while sticking to the facts and making y'all think in the process. Here's what I want y'all to think about: This country (United States of America) was stumbled upon by Christopher Columbus centuries ago. Keep in mind that when Christopher came here, there were Native American...

MSI: What's Your Strategy?

How many people do you know are currently living from paycheck to paycheck? How many of them are merely one paycheck away from becoming homeless? Just the other day I was sitting alone thinking about a few things, and in the process MSI came to mind. What is MSI you ask? It stands for Multiple Streams of Income. I began to ponder a little more about this topic by asking more questions: I wonder what percentage of middle class individuals even consider generating MSI How can I generate MSI ? Where do I begin to set a plan or strategy in motion? How long did it take other middle class individuals to put their plan in motion? How long did it take for them to see fruits of their labor? These are all valid questions, as I believe there are so many middle class individuals struggling to make ends meet. However, it also makes me wonder...what percentage of the average middle class household is willing to take some sort of risk or investment in order to set their plan in moti...

Talk It Out!

When's the last time you had an argument or disagreement with someone? Do you recall what sparked it? Do you find yourself dwelling on what he or she said that made you so mad and caused you to storm out of the room or simply "run away" from the altercation? Isn't it ironic how at times we can have a disagreement with someone at one moment and everything is all good the next? Well, I'd like to believe that the reason behind it is Effective Communication. If we just take a moment to "Talk it Out" , we'll find that the problem really wasn't all that bad. Effective Communication requires adequate Listening skills from all parties involved. There are 5 Stages of the Listening Process: Receiving:   Hearing & Attending Understanding:   Learning & Deciphering the Meaning Remembering:   Recalling & Retaining Evaluating:   Judging & Criticizing (NOT of one another, but rather the problem) Responding:   Answering & Giving ...

Make It Happen!

As I've previously posted on my Facebook wall regarding Time Wasting, here I am today elaborating even further. There are many times throughout our lives when we may become frustrated with our situations, circumstances, or simply over the fact that things have not gone according to plan. Well, as usual I'm here to flip that into a positive. Yes, things don't always go as planned; but quite frankly we gotta be honest with ourselves and others and ask the question:  What are we doing to bring about change? Furthermore, what are we doing to bring our dreams and/or goals to fruition?  What are we doing to "Make it Happen?" If we're just sitting around twiddling our thumbs waiting for something to magically appear, then we'll be forever waiting.  If we're just sitting around talking about it but never being 'bout it, then that's all we're about...just talk. If we're always talking about the things we want out of life, but never put...

I Think, Therefore I Am

There's a famous quote by a French Mathematician named Rene Descartes , which says, "I think, therefore I am."  There's also a Bible scripture that relates to this and has been heavy on my mind lately.  It's Proverbs 23:7, which states..."For as he thinks in his heart, so is he." Now, these are some powerful words!  It really exemplifies the importance of thinking positive thoughts.  By doing so, we can change our perspectives and ultimately change our outcomes. When we allow positive thinking, it also helps us to feel better about ourselves and the atmosphere around us. By thinking positive thoughts as well as focusing our attention on dreams and ways to manifest them, we're actually planting seeds for the manifestation process to begin. In case you were unaware of this...many things, events, or businesses first started in the mind or the heart. So, whatever we feed on, will definitely grow.  The more time, attention, thought, and hard work ...


After having an epiphany one day regarding my Blog page, I've decided to take another direction and focus more on topics pertaining to my actual Blog Title "Movinstar", topics such as moving forward in life and challenging others to think in order to grow and change. With that being said, why not start the "redirection" at the beginning? The first step towards ANY recovery is usually admittance, admitting there is a problem or issue. After all, in order for one to move forward, one has to admit or come to the realization that there's something holding them back or keeping them stuck. What brought me to this topic was more like an observation.  You see, for as long as I can remember, I've been a very observant person; and for the past few months or so I've observed how so many people are actually stuck.  They're either stuck emotionally, financially, or mentally.  My observation has led me to believe that life really doesn't have ...

God's Appointed Time (Testimonial) P2

So after the divorce, it took me a little while before dating again.  I was at point in my life where I had become bitter, angry, snappy, and somewhat broken. It took a relative to mention my attitude for me to seriously start my healing process. I started spending more time alone, writing, and in the presence of God.  It was a process I had to go through in order to release some things from my life.  Gradually I became less bitter and less angry.  It became more of a process for me to relearn who I was as an individual as well as what I truly wanted. In doing so, walls began to fall; walls I had placed up to block, defend, and protect myself from anymore hurt, pain, and disappointment.  They'd begin to fall because I had learned the importance of putting my complete trust in God more and less in man.  I had to learn how to change my perspective on love, relationships, and expectancy, because too many times my expectations were far too idealistic. ...