Make It Happen!

As I've previously posted on my Facebook wall regarding Time Wasting, here I am today elaborating even further.

There are many times throughout our lives when we may become frustrated with our situations, circumstances, or simply over the fact that things have not gone according to plan. Well, as usual I'm here to flip that into a positive.

Yes, things don't always go as planned; but quite frankly we gotta be honest with ourselves and others and ask the question:  What are we doing to bring about change? Furthermore, what are we doing to bring our dreams and/or goals to fruition?  What are we doing to "Make it Happen?"

If we're just sitting around twiddling our thumbs waiting for something to magically appear, then we'll be forever waiting.  If we're just sitting around talking about it but never being 'bout it, then that's all we're about...just talk.

If we're always talking about the things we want out of life, but never put forth any effort, why even bother? Here's something more to think about:

Are we spectators or participators of Life?
Are we watching life pass us by, or are we actively doing something to progress?
Are we just simply existing or living life to the fullest?

How long are we going to waste time by being spectators?  How long are we going to just sit around and not at least pick up a book or do more research on the very thing or goal we hope to attain, be it short-term or long-term, in order to achieve it?

Each hour or day we spend wasting on non-productive things or people in our lives, only delays our dreams and goals even further.

So starting TODAY, let's make it a point to PARTICIPATE in our own lives by DOING what is Necessary NOW in order to LIVE for a better tomorrow! It's time to Make It Happen!


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