Your Circle

I recently listened to a Motivational segment by a leading business professional on the topic of quitting. She gave lots of encouraging words & spoke about surrounding yourself with good, positive-minded individuals.

So, I pose these questions today: who are you surrounded by? Who's in your circle? Are you pushing, inspiring, and motivating them? Are they reciprocating? Is  your circle beneficial or detrimental to your growth & success? Are you beneficial to them? Yes, it's a two-way street!

The business professional went on to say that you MUST stay away from negative people, because they will only bring you down. Well I'm gonna add to that...

If you want to do more, have more, & grow more as an individual, hanging around or socializing with small-minded, negative thinkers, your growth will be hindered. So, why keep such people around?

I know a lot of people tend to think that I'm a peculiar or anti-social person because I come across as being too quiet. Well, I beg to differ. There's a reason for everything.  I choose to keep my circle small for a reason, simply because where the Lord is leading me... everyone cannot go! Everything is NOT for everybody! What God has for me, is for ME. What He has for you, is for YOU. With that being said, none of us can afford to hold on to detrimental or toxic people. 

Just like with hair...if you don't trim those split ends, your hair won't grow.

So, here's your assignment:  recognize the split ends in your life & trim them off in order to allow growth.


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