
After having an epiphany one day regarding my Blog page, I've decided to take another direction and focus more on topics pertaining to my actual Blog Title "Movinstar", topics such as moving forward in life and challenging others to think in order to grow and change.

With that being said, why not start the "redirection" at the beginning?

The first step towards ANY recovery is usually admittance, admitting there is a problem or issue. After all, in order for one to move forward, one has to admit or come to the realization that there's something holding them back or keeping them stuck.

What brought me to this topic was more like an observation.  You see, for as long as I can remember, I've been a very observant person; and for the past few months or so I've observed how so many people are actually stuck.  They're either stuck emotionally, financially, or mentally.  My observation has led me to believe that life really doesn't have to be this way.  None of us deserve to be stuck in a rut!  So, with my analytical self, I took the observation a little further and posed the question:  How exactly do people really get stuck in certain situations or circumstances?  Granted, some circumstances are beyond our control. However, many are well within our control.  We just choose to allow ourselves to remain content in that situation, not really putting forth the effort to make necessary changes.

The keyword there was "CHOOSE". Yep, it's all about choices!

I truly believe that once we admit there's something holding us back or keeping us stuck and begin to recognize what it is, then we have the power within to choose to make necessary changes, which can ultimately lead to growth and the ability to move forward.

Think about it this way.  You have two choices:  Either hold on to the situation and allow it to overtake your mind and fill it with all sorts of negativity, doubt, fear, and disbelief...OR...Let it Go by fighting back with positive thoughts AND action!

Once you get to the point in your life where you can truly Admit & Recognize the issue, the best way to begin your journey of moving forward is to...Change Your Thought process!  Find a nice, quiet place to allow yourself to seriously think things through.  I call this the Process of Elimination, whereas I work it like the elements of a letter or story.  You have your beginning, the middle, and the end. Although I start at the beginning, I keep in mind that in some cases I am the pencil holder who can erase or change a specific ending or outcome.  I can choose to eliminate what is detrimental, yet tweak the beneficial aspects.

Again, there goes that word...choose!  Once we admit, recognize, and analyze, we're ready to tackle or eliminate certain issues head on.  Let me provide an example:

If you know you're supposed to be at your place of employment for 8:00 a.m., but you did not awake in time enough to prepare your lunch for the day, then you have two choices:  Prepare you lunch anyway and be late...OR...leave the office at lunch time to buy something for lunch.

So, let's break this scenario down.
Admit and Recognize the issue = Procrastination/Late for work
Analyze = If I'm late for work, I'll have to stay later to make up the time.  If I don't bring my lunch, I'll have to spend extra money, which could go against my weekly spending budget, which also means I won't be able to get those shoes I've been thinking about getting this weekend. Hmmmm......
Action/Choice = Be late, make up the time, and save money...OR...Get up on time, prepare lunch, AND still be able to get those shoes on the weekend!

So, go ahead...I DARE you to start the process of Moving Forward in Life by simply Admitting, Recognizing, and Analyzing the issue!


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