Enough is Enough!

I usually don't like to share or post such negativity early in the morning,  but this story has compelled me to do otherwise;  because when exactly is Enough...enough?!

It's really starting to seem like it's open season or All out War against the Black man!

***Now before anyone quickly says there she goes talking about race again or label me as a racist or race bater, I am just simply stating Facts!

Continuing on....

With stories like Trayvon Martin, Jordan Davis, Oscar Grant, Kendrick Johnson, among many others wrongfully killed because of racial profiling, and now Eric Garner, something MUST be done about all this unnecessary evil.

I'm going to make this post as brief as I can while sticking to the facts and making y'all think in the process.

Here's what I want y'all to think about:

This country (United States of America) was stumbled upon by Christopher Columbus centuries ago. Keep in mind that when Christopher came here, there were Native Americans already residing here. This was their land!
Somewhere along the way, the Native Americans lost their land. It was taken over by Caucasians.
Here's another fact...Africans were stolen and/or tricked from the motherland and brought here to America to be slaves.

Now, years later, we as a people or race are not wanted here in America by many racist individuals.  So, I pose this question to make y'all think:  Why bring us over here in the first place?
I guess the Caucasians thought the African slaves would remain slaves & ignorant forever. Well newsflash....nothing remains the same forever!!

Furthermore,  here's something else to make y'all think:

I'm NOT a Muslim, but I gotta say...Minister Louis Farrakahn be right on point about some things. Years ago he stated that the direction this country is going in, could very well cause a Race War. The way things are looking, with all these unnecessary killings of our Black men, a Race War or something is bound to happen. Somebody will start to say Enough is Enough & start to take a stand and fight back!

Now, here's something else I want y'all to think about:

What if ALL African-Americans or Black people were to leave America?  What would the remaining citizens do? How would they survive? Because many roads, buildings, houses, railroads, crops, and industrial items as well as the street light was created by Blacks. There are so many smart & talented Black people, and if they all left. ..I don't believe America could fully survive without us.

What do y'all think?

Here is the link (which sparked this entire post) for the most recent unjustifiable homocide by New York police officers against a Good Samaritan:


Feel free to share your thoughts & comments. Let's pray for the families of ALL the victims of racial profiling and police brutality!
Lord, God, please help us human beings! We need you now more than ever!


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