Mindset Matters: Minds Blown/Free from Being Dickmatized


Ladies, don't get Dickmatized (sprung on a man's sexual performance), caught up in unhealthy soul ties...
Wondering why...
You can't let go
Wondering why...
You can't  grow

You can't find Mr. Right when you keep running to Mr. Wrong.

Yes, I know he got your mind blown off the way he put it down in the bedroom, but if that's the only place y'all hang out & explore...then it's time for you to explore & Get Gone! Time to explore your options by redirecting your focus.
When you focus on what it is you truly want, then you'll be better equipped to make wiser decisions.
We can't always see clearly when we're in the clouds, mesmerized by the "D". Gotta see past that & get to the mental & spiritual side of each other.

Being dickmatized is another form of addiction, whereas you find yourself daydreaming & craving more of the temporary fix. By always allowing him to come on through for that late night quickie, pretty much let's him know your mind is blown & he can easily treat you like a 7-Eleven.

Ladies, please know you that you can break the cycle of being dickmatized by simply redirecting your foucs.
Here's what I did, here's my strategy:

1.) Think about/Come to clarification in your mind the specific type of man you want.
2.) If the current dude you messing with has you dickmatized, then Test him. Test him by asking a few questions (not all at once -spread them out) that pertain to what it is you want in a mate. For example:
If you want a man to spend more quality time with you (even on holidays), then make a suggestion for an event to attend together or ask him if he wants to do something else or go somewhere else. If he constantly makes excuses, then clearly he has failed your Test....
3.) If/When he fails Tests, you move on to the next phase, which is making yourself less available or not available at all. Do this by limiting phone calls, texts, & drop-bys.
4.) By limiting his access to you, he will get suspicious and start asking questions.  At this point, let him know exactly how you feel. That way the lines of communication can be opened.
5.) If he jumps on the defense & wants to start an argument just by you expressing your feelings & he chooses Not to act civil or communicate effectively,  then the next step is to give him an ultimatum.  Lay everything out on the table, tell him everything you want & aspire your relationship to grow into. If he disagrees, then y'all can amicably split right then & there.
6.) If he pleads for y'all to stay together, then from that point on his actions need to line up with his words.
7.) If his actions do not line up with his words, then time for you to set the Final step in motion...Cut him off! Yep, stop having sex with him. Stop taking his phone calls. Stop responding to text messages!

8.) If it gets too tempting, you could always do what I did....change your phone number & address. Lol....my lease was up at my apartment anyway.

Hey, when you're determined to strive for better, then you do whatever it takes!

So, ladies...Sistahs.....There is a Strategy to End Dickmatization!

You Can & Will do this!

Peace & Blessings!


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