Why Did You Quit?

Last week my husband asked me a question:
"Why did you quit those jobs years ago when you were with your ex-husband?"
My Answer: "I was young & naive. "
He was referring to the time when I worked two jobs. Yep, I worked two jobs at one point in my life...when I was single. I had dreams & visions of getting the things I wanted in life, by doing what I had to do.

We continued the conversation, and I elaborated by explaining how a certain disagreement forced me to quit one of the jobs. Furthermore, I had already quit the first job due to time.
You see, I made the decision to let one of the jobs go in order to spend more time with the person I was involved with at the time.

I won't go into all the details of what went wrong & how that relationship ended, but I will say this...

In life, we all must make choices, of which can determine how the rest of your life can play out.
Had I stuck to my plans prior to that relationship & several others, my life would've taken a totally different turn. Nevertheless, I believe ALL things work together for our good. It all happened for a reason. Those experiences have molded & shaped me into a wiser person. I can now make better decisions to push my life in the direction that I choose!
Granted, not everything goes as planned in anyone's life, but we Must continue to strive for better!

So, as my husband and I reflected on times when I was a quitter, we were able to recognize flaws & issues, which has ultimately allowed us to know how to Move forward in a different, more equipped way of doing so.

We are on the Same Team (#TeamWatkins) pushing & striving for better each & everyday!
It really helps when both parties can agree & push one another.
We now have a mentality/motto of: Quitting is NOT an option!
Never Quit people! Just find ways to improve & Keep Pushing & Moving on like the Star ☆ that you are!


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