SYNOPSIS for Next Book

"How Did You Get Here?"

Capri Garnet and Keima Reynolds are two single, Black women in their thirties seeking Mr. Right. Along their journey, Capri encounters some dangerous, psychotic circumstances that she doesn't immediately take serious.
When things become much more intense, and after a heart to heart talk with her best friend Keima, only then does Capri take the situation seriously and asks herself, "How did I get here? How did I get myself into this situation?"
After so many dead-end, meaningless dates, Capri decides to give up on finding that perfect man. She's decided that love is just overrated, thus relinquished dating or even giving any man that looks her way the time of day.
Although she's put up defensive walls to shield her feelings from men, there's one who continues to weasel his way around those walls by occasionally texting and calling to try and win her back...or get some for old times' sake.
Cameron has always known what to say and how to say it to appease her sexual appetite. However, this time she's definitely had enough. She wants more out of life than just the physical pleasure that Cameron has to offer.
Since her dead-end dates were leading nowhere and Cameron couldn't step up his game, she decided it was time to fly solo. That is until...she meets Bryan. Initially, she treats him coldly as all the other suitors coming her way; but there was something about him, and when she kept running into him, his intriguing demeanor piqued her curiosity.
Eventually, a piece of her walls come crumbling down, and she gives in to his request for her number.

After Bryan completely shatters those walls of bitterness by showing her things she's never seen before and treats her like she's always desired to be treated, again she finds herself asking the question, "How did you get here?"
How Did You Get Here is a fiction novel full of unexpected circumstances which leads the reader to believe that there is indeed still hope for Black love.

K.R. Brumfield


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