State of the Union

So last night was President Obama's State of the Union Address. I thought he covered a lot of great points.

  • Healthcare Reform

  • Clean Energy

  • Fairness across the board (Rich & Poor should have same opportunities)

  • Teamwork makes the dream work

  • Education

  • Immigration Reform

  • Jobs/Economic Recovery

I especially love how he wants the wealthy 1% to start paying more taxes. That just never made sense to me how wealthy individuals could get more tax breaks than the hard working, struggling middle-class people. We're the ones who need help the most, not the ones who already have wealth & numerous resources to create more wealth for themselves.

I also agree with more jobs and businesses being created right here in America; because simply put, the more we outsource, the more we'll fall economically. Whatever happened to: "MADE IN USA"? We depend on other countries too much for things that can be created right here.

I also believe that everyone should have a right to a good education, especially if you're an American Citizen. It's not fair for illegal immigrants to "slide" through our collegiate educational system when so many of us American citizens have to bust our butts just to try to get accepted into college. Don't get me wrong, I don't have anything against foreigners who are trying to make a better life for themselves; however, I'm just saying that they should do it the right way. Although many may say that I'm wrong or being hypocritical considering that my ancestors weren't born in the U.S., and that many of us aren't truly full-blooded Americans based on our ancestry. Well, that may be true...however, as time has gone on over the decades and centuries, many of us were indeed born here. Also, it's not fair for the foreigners who come into this country the legal way. How do you think they feel to have to go through such red tape, but others are coming illegally?

Enough about the Immigration reform...

Let's talk about Teamwork. The President spoke heavily about Teamwork, and how we should all put aside our differences for the greater good or mission. There has always been strength in numbers or unity. "Divided we fall, together we stand". So with that being said, how long are most of the republicans (I say most because I choose to believe that there has to be at least one or two who has some sense) going to "Throw bricks and hide their hands"? That's an old saying when someone says one thing, but does another; whereas in this case, they're giving bogus reasons for why they're shooting down ideas from the President. Why can't they just come out and say how they truly feel? Why can't they just man up and admit that they do NOT want to see a Black man as President of the United States of America? President Obama has given the Republicans and the Tea Parties ample enough opportunity to come up with some ideas of their own, but still hasn't done so. If you don't like something, change it. I love how he put them all in check last night by telling Congress to get up off of their butts and put some Bills or ideas on his desk so we can move on and stop bickering! Let's get it done!

And just for those who may not be on President Obama's Team, or for those who think I'm only for him because he's Black...NOT SO! I'm for anyone who has a strategy or plan that's going to create fairness and equality for EVERYONE. God didn't just create America or this world only for certain people to be wealthy. I'd like to believe that HE created this world for us ALL to succeed and be prosperous. I believe HE designed this world for it to thrive. So at the end of the day...Let's put aside our differences, and compromise, communicate more effectively to make this world a better place for all people.

What are your thoughts on the State of the Union? Leave a comment, good or bad. I welcome constructive criticism. :)

Peace & Blessings

~K.R. Brumfield


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