Love Yourself Enough

So today I found out that Tameka "Tiny" Harris has filed for divorce from her husband, Clifford "T.I." Harris. Was I surprised? Not so much. However, with all the rumors of her cheating with Floyd Mayweather and orgy parties with T.I., I was holding out hope that those would be just that...rumors; and that they could work through whatever differences they may have had. Well, unfortunately, my hopes didn't turn out so well.
Click HERE to read the article on the divorce filing.

I, as well as many others, can only speculate what may or may not have gone wrong within their marriage, simply because we were not flies on their walls to find out all the details. However, I will say that I have always been and always will be a fan of Black Love & Unity; so I never like to see any of my people splitting up or getting a divorce.

As an analytical person on the outside looking in, for the past few years it has appeared to me as if Tiny has been dealing with some deep-rooted self-esteem issues, in which she has been trying to resolve via physical transformations. It kind of bothers me when I hear so many people call her "ugly", because I know they are only referring to her current physical features; and they're not looking at it from a psychological point of view. Here are my thoughts on Tiny's transformation as well as deeply rooted self-esteem issues...

When I see pictures of Tiny when she was with the group Xscape and I compare them to now, I see a totally different person. Yes, granted we all age as time goes on, but not to the point of almost disfiguration! It's like she's a totally different person! With that being said, I don't know why she made the decisions to do what she has done to her physical features; but I truly wish that she would take some time to get to know herself, internally first, before undergoing anymore physical changes to her God-given features.

I truly wish that Tiny and many more of my Melanated Sistahs could learn to love and appreciate who they are and the priceless beauty of their skin tone.

No one should ever have to transform themselves to the point of changing their entire identity just to be with someone. It's one thing to compromise with your mate, but to undergo such drastic physical a bit much. We all should love ourselves enough to know when enough is enough or when a compromise is turning into much more.

Here are a few Tips on How to overcome Self-esteem issues or How to embrace the skin you're in:

  • Take out a piece of paper and fold it in half. On one side of the paper, write down ALL the things you Love about yourself. On the other side, write down ALL the things you either hate or don't like about yourself.
  • Review ALL the things you have written down that you hate or don't like about yourself, and stand in front of a mirror and ask yourself: Why do I NOT like this or that? If those things that you hate or do not like about yourself can be changed by a minor fix, then by all means GET OUT OF THE PROBLEM & START WORKING ON THE SOLUTION! However, if those things are out of your control, then you have to get creative.
  • Get creative by accentuating or playing up your positive features.
  • You can also embrace your skin tone by doing Daily Affirmations. By speaking Life into yourself each and everyday, you won't have time to focus on your flaws. That's because you will start to BELIEVE the very words you speak into your life, thus increase your confidence level.
Here is something that I have personally experienced....the more you speak positively into yourself, the more radiant you become! I'm telling you...others will be throwing compliments your way left and right, talking about how much you're glowing. Yeah, I know...we don't live for other people's compliments, but they are a testament to the hard work & effort you've put into resolving your own issues. It let's you know that you're on the right track; because believe you me, if you were still wallowing in your self-pity, that energy would reflect off of you, and you would not be shining, glowing, or getting any kind of compliments!

Overcoming self-esteem issues or embracing your skin tone isn't something that can be resolved overnight, but with patience, determination, and dedication, it can be done; and you WILL Love Yourself live and shine like the star that you are!


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