Straight Outta.... do I approach this? I'll just start by saying this....
The movie "Straight Outta Compton" will be hitting theaters this weekend.
Yes, I used to listen to N.W.A. back in the day, hell most of us did at Henry Ford Junior High in Avondale, La.
However, as you grow & change. People change.

So, knowing what I know now about the music industry & how Hip-Hop has drastically changed over the years, I paused for a moment when I heard about the movie. I paused and thought, do I really want to go see this movie? Do I really want to contribute to the further destruction of our people? Then I paused again and thought...why NOT just look at it in a different perspective? Keedy, this would be another learning opportunity for your analytical brain. Think of it as a Research or journalistic approach. Don't Research Analysts & Journalists seek out facts? Don't they look for truth? Don't they seek out for answers or to validate stories?

Well, why not go in with an open mind to see how the narrative plays out? And then do your Comparitive Analysis?
So, yes, I will eventually see the movie, because I would love to see the Producer/Writer's version of how N.W.A. got started, and see if there are any parallels between its narrative and the narrative of the former Black Record Label Executive who shared the email about distorted plots to use N.W.A. to bring about violence & destruction to Hip-Hop.

I want to see if there will be any mention of the under-handed, sneaky deals that went on behind the scenes with any of the Record Label executives, the same as today. I want to see if and how the members were exploited, used, and/or ripped off as many talented artists are today as a result of signing bogus contracts!

I want to see just how far back the shadiness goes, just to show and prove that it's better for our Brothers & Sisters to "Do their own thing", Go Independent!!

It's better, because you can eliminate the middle man & collect what's rightfully yours! Again, my analytical mind just want to see the parallels, symbolism, narrative, etc...

I also think this movie will blow the box office numbers out the park, because Hip-Hop fans are so Universal. Let's see how much credit they will get for doing so. Let's also see where the money goes: Who will be getting paid & How much will they get paid? What was the budget for making the movie vs. The overall Revenue? Lots of questions.
So, who else will be going see the movie? Why? What's your main reason for wanting to go see it?


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