Dig Deep!

The other day I found out about a woman in Geismar, La. (Just outside of Baton Rouge) who had been brutally killed by her estranged husband with a baseball bat. Yes, a bat! How cruel and vicious is that?!!
Not only did the guy beat her to death with a baseball bat, but he hit her 18 year-old son with the same bat, causing injury to his arm. Now I can only imagine that this young man was trying to defend his mother when he was struck with the bat. Yes he survived the ordeal, but this young man will definitely need prayers, because now he has to live with this for the rest of his life. I pray that by the grace & strength of God he will continue to pursue all endeavors and go on to make his mother proud!

The victim's name was Monica Johnson. She was a beautiful woman. She had actually taken the necessary steps to get away from her crazy husband. At the time of her death she actually had a restraining order against her husband. Unfortunately, he did not adhere to it as he chose to stalk her and break into her home on the same day of her son's party and kill her.

Here is the link to the full story. I totally agree with the Sheriff on this story...women who are in domestic violence situations need to learn how to use a firearm, secure it in a well hidden safe place, and use it when you need to!


Anyone who goes through such great lengths to do harm to another person, clearly isn't working with a full deck.

Ladies and Gentlemen (yes, men suffer from domestic violence too), I titled this post "Dig Deep" for a reason. I want you all to Dig Deep within yourselves first and be absolutely clear about what and who you want in your lives! Because nowadays it can be a matter of life or death! I want you to Dig Deep by asking the necessary questions when getting involved with someone. Find out what type of person they are. Get to know their family and/or friends, which could ultimately reveal true colors about the person you're involved with.
Please remember: It's better to be Safe than sorry. Your life is worth far above Rubies or Diamonds!


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