Praying for Troy Davis & Family

I went to sleep last night and woke up this morning with tears in my eyes; not just for Troy Davis, but because my heart is so heavy for all humans that have suffered and continue to suffer and be affected by our injust judicial system here in America. This story goes to show that there indeed still is racism in America, because why else would the Georgia parole/pardon board go through with the execution knowing there's so much reasonable doubt?

I'm not an attorney, nor do I work in the judicial system, but I know what's right and unjust. Situations like Troy's case is what really has me more concerned for all Black men in general, because more often than not, they're being railroaded in the system. Yes, I care about Black women being railroaded as well, but they're not railroaded as much as the men.

I remember when the movie "American Violet" hit the movie theaters, and I guess some cities were concerned that a riot would break out, because unfortunately the movie was only shown in a few select cities. This movie was based on a true story, and basically showed how a Black woman was being railroaded in the United States judicial system. So, again, not only can men be railroaded, but so can women; which brings me to mention Troy Davis' voice recording Michael Baisden played on the air yesterday. Troy gave thanks to everyone who was behind him, supporting him, and stressed the importance of handling your business and doing what's right and furthering your education. He stressed to Black men all over the world how they should start their own businesses and educate themselves so they don't get caught up in the system.

This is so very true...if Black men and women could just come together and build instead of tearing down, then maybe this world we live in can be a better place.

Today, September 21, 2011, is the day that Troy Davis is supposed to be executed; and I stress the word "supposed", because I am truly praying for a miracle, as only a miracle can right this wrong.

Although the Pardon/Parole Board denied his clemency, the Governor of Georgia can step in and do the right thing.

Regardless if they execute Troy or not, his sister quoted him in saying, "If they execute, they will only be killing my flesh, because I have given my soul to God and made peace with God a long time ago". I strongly believe there is life after physical death.

Again, my heart and prayers go out to Troy Davis & Family.

Peace & Blessings!
~ K.R. Brumfield


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