True Believers

Well I'm still here. Does that mean I wasn't truly saved? Was I "Left Behind"?
Wow! I cannot believe how so many people are so easily influenced or led astray; but then again...
I CAN believe it; because I do believe that we are living in the last days. I know these words have been said for many years. However, true Christians or true believers know that it's too easy for the end to just happen when someone "prophesies" it. True believers know the Word for themselves, and don't need a leader to tell them when Christ shall return, thus putting an end to this physical world. True believers know that "He comes like a thief in the night. No man knows the hour or the day of Christ's return".
Although the world has not ended on Saturday, May 21, 2011, I do believe that this stirring up, if you will, is still part of End Time prophesy. I believe this to be so, because it's in the Word. The Bible speaks of the Gospel being preached all across the land before Christ's return. Therefore, this is just part of that prophesy that must be fulfilled. The preaching of the Gospel all across the land, the wars & rumors of wars, earthquakes in various places, etc... All of this is part of Bible prophesy. All of this plus more must transpire before Christ's return. The question is: Are you ready?


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