Premature Boastfulness?

"Ding dong the man is dead!"
That's what so many Americans are shouting right now about Osama bin Laden. I personally feel as though it's too early to be "boasting" & rejoicing in his death. Yes, my heart goes out to the 09/'11 victims' family; however, the death of Osama bin Laden will not bring them back, nor will his death put an end to terrorism completely. When I heard the news, I didn't jump on the band-wagon to quickly rejoice like so many of my fellow Americans. Instead, I immediately said to myself: "Oh my God!" I said this because deep down I thought...what's next? These were my next thoughts:
1.) Is he really dead?
2.) Is this just plan B, or another one of bin Laden's plans to distract us so he can carry out another plan of attack?
3.) bin Laden & his regime are trained with a mindset of martyrdom & hatred for the U.S., so even if he is truly dead... there will be others to continue on with this mindset.
4.) Will bin Laden's people retaliate not only for his killing, but for the way he was buried?
5.) Lord, I know your will has be done, and your end-time prophecy has to be fulfilled, but please help us to gain a better understanding & peace about what is to come.

Actually, #5 was my first & last thought/prayer; because I think that now is the time for us as American citizens to truly tap into the spiritual realm & pray like never before! This incident is only the beginning of many other tragic, yet prophetic things to come.

We are already hated by so many other nations. We do not want to carry on with such premature boastfulness only to be slapped in the face with another, much more devastating, terrorist attack.

I will end this blog with a scripture that I think is very fitting not only for this incident, but for us as Americans as a whole:

"And whosoever shall exalt himself shall be abased; and he that shall humble himself shall be exalted".
- Matthew 23:12


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