Black Girls Rock!

I know I'm rather late with this posting...but better late than never, right?
Anyhow, I just wanted to take the time out to share my thoughts on "Black Girls Rock". I thought it was amazingly classy & sophisticated! The televised event was so professional. For the first time in a long time, I can say that BET did a wonderful job with the broadcasting of this event. I was especially moved when Ms. Iyanla van Zant gave her acceptance speech. When she said that Black Girls Rock because we have no other choice (paraphrasing), I just said out loud, "You better say that girl!" That's because she's right. We as Black Girls have been "Rockin'" since the beginning of time!

We as Black Girls have been Rockin' during as well as post slavery. For as long as I can remember, we have been strong sistahs doing whatever is necessary to survive and overcome various obstacles that may come our way. We have no other choice but to rock...if we want to survive and enjoy our lives.

We rock because we can rise early in the morning and prepare for the mental and physical challenges the day may bring on the job and at home...and still hold our heads up high with dignity and pride. We rock because the world may say we can't, but we show them better than we can tell them, WE CAN and we DO! We rock because we're not just ordinary, we're extraordinary, outstanding, talented, caring, and very diverse. We rock because we got flavor! We can rock many different hairdos and hair colors & still be fierce, yet beautiful! We rock because we're trendsetters! We just rock!

I'm a Black Girl who rocks, because I'm caring and always willing to go the extra mile! I'm always willing to help others when in need. I rock because I'm a motivator and dream pusher!

So, no matter what anyone else says, we've got to keep pushing forward; because we're Black Girls who Rock!


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