Yao Ming!

On yesterday evening (June 29th, 2009) when I logged on the Yahoo home page, I noticed one of the headlines saying something about devastating news regarding Yao`s foot injury. Apparently Yao Ming had a foot injury that isnt healing as everyone would expect.

I just tought I`d take the time out to say that we all need to send some prayers up for Yao! He seems like a very nice & humble man. I know he`s a great ball player, and he himself would even be devastated if he wouldnt be able to play basketball ever again....but that`s what the doctors are saying...that it`s a possibility. There will be several more tests done before they ultimately say he can`t play anymore.

So, I started thinking....with Yao being such a tall man 7`6``...what else could he be doing if his foor doesn`t heal to the point whereas he can play ball again? Well.....personally I`d love to see his foot heal so that he can. So, I am going to decree that his foot heals in the name of Jesus so that he can continue doing what his heart desires...play basketball.

Now, if it is not in God`s will for him to continue to play, then I believe that God will have something else lined up for him to do....something that Yao Ming will enjoy doing for the rest of his life.

So let`s keep Yao Ming in our prayers.


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