Respect the Legendary King!

Well....another great man has passed on. I`m not just talking about any great man, I`m talking about the one & only Michael Jackson! The King of Pop music as we all know and have grown to love and truly adore.

I don`t care what anyone has to say about his personal preferences or his personal lifestyle, the bottom line is this: He was still a great entertainer and humanitarian! Regardless if he is guilty of all the charges brought against him, the bottom line is: All have sinned and come short of HIS glory. Furthermore, he without sin, PLEASE...PLEASE...cast the first stone!!! None of us humans are perfect on this Earth. We all have to go before the ultimate judge, GOD. It doesn`t matter what man has to say about us, because man does not have a Heaven or Hell to place us in. I am only saying all of this because Michael Jackson was a target of the media before death, and I hope that he does not continue to be so after his death. At some point, every human being should be shown some form of respect....and Michael deserves the utmost respect for his entertaining skills!

You know it`s really sad, but at a time like this I can`t help but to reflect back on a tattoo that an ex-boyfriend of mine had on his chest: ``IBG``, which stood for Innocent But Guilty. Now my boyfriend at the time explained to me what that exactly meant. He said that it meant no matter how innocent black men may seem, they will always be guilty before proven innocent. When he told me this, I couldn't`t do nothing but shake my head, because I knew exactly what he was talking about. Too many of our black brothas have been and continue to be ``Guilty Before Innocent``.

So, in Michael Jackson`s case...there have been several people to assume that he was guilty before any hard physical evidence even came about, which I still have not seen or heard of any physical evidence to prove that he was guilty of such crimes. I am one that likes to uphold the law: ``Innocent until proven guilty``...but many others would strongly disagree.

With all of this being said, Michael Jackson truly was an inspiration to many others. He has paved the way for so many R&B entertainers today. Many of which have learned so much from him. They`ve learned and taken some of his dance moves to another level.

While watching the 2009 BET Awards on Sunday, June 28th, I was just amazed at how everything was just so well put together. BET did a wonderful job considering they only prepared for the Michael Jackson tributes within 3 days! Jamie Fox also did a great job. On several occasions I thought either him or Ne-Yo would just break down and cry in front of everyone, but they kept their composure and continued on with the show and continued to pay their respects to the King of Pop, Michael Jackson.

Although Jamie and Ne-Yo did not shed any tears on camera, I for one was on the couch Sunday evening wiping the tears away when Jamie & Ne-Yo sang one of Michael`s songs at the end of the Award show. It was just so touching, and my tears started to flow even more when I saw the picture of little Janet Jackson standing next to her big brother, Michael Jackson. I just immediately thought of what its like to truly lose a sibling, someone you really love and care for. I believe that Janet was rather close to her brother Michael, so I`m sure she is taking this kind of hard.

So, my prayers really go out to Janet, Ms. Catherine, and the rest of the Jackson Family! Michael Jackson will be dearly missed!

Michael Jackson
1958 - 2009


Touching words movinstar,I'm so glad that someome has so much positive words about this strong black man.The man has not been laid to rest and the media has drug him through the mudd (CNN) as we all know they do it well to our people.I know it's an job but show some respect for those who loved him dearly (FAMILY).
movinstar said…
@CHI-TOWN FINEST I know this response is waaaay late, but better late than never, right? Lol...
Anyway, thanks for taking the time to read my Blog, and yes I totally agree with you. Too many times our Brothers & Sisters are pretty much found guilty by the media, but it's time for us as a people to start seeing these instances for what they really are: BS! It's really just a form of character assassination when they can no longer control our Brothers & Sisters.
So, once again, thank you for checking out my Blog. Feel free to Share with others.

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