Preoccupied Martha Vs. Opportunistic Mary

Written on 12/28/08 @ 9:43 a.m.

On Sunday morning I was sitting at home reading a few passages from a book called “Prayers and Promises for Women”, and there was a scripture reference in the book of Psalms. As I began to turn to the scripture within my Everyday Life Amplified Version Bible with commentaries by Joyce Meyer, I stopped to read one of Joyce’s commentaries entitled, “Seek the ‘One Thing’”. Her commentary was basically tying in David’s prayer of asking God for “One Thing” (to be able to dwell in God’s presence all the days of his life) and the story of Martha and Mary. Martha was the preoccupied, busy one; while Mary was the opportunistic one. She didn’t want to miss the opportunity of dwelling in the presence of the Lord. (Luke 10: 38-42)

Although I had read and heard the story of Mary and Martha several times before, however, on this particular morning the story really resonated with me because I always find myself being a busy body. Therefore, I had to ask myself: “Are you a Martha or a Mary?” Then I began comparing the characteristics of the two and thus came up with the title of this article. My ultimate answer of course was, “I am a Martha”. So immediately I began thinking about that and how can I change my characteristics from Martha’s to Mary’s. How can I become less occupied and more opportunistic? How can I spend less time running around being a busy body trying to get everything done, trying to make everything just right and spend more time dwelling in the presence of the Lord?

As I began considering how I could change my characteristics, a few more questions became apparent to me. Why are you so busy? What are you keeping yourself so preoccupied for? What is your ultimate goal or end result of your busyness? There was one answer to all of these questions: Trying to make or provide a better life for all of my family members. (Just a little F.Y.I. for all of my readers…this is pretty much how my relationship with God is. The same way I talk to you all is the same way I talk to and discuss issues with the Lord, but with more detail and sincerity).

Of course God immediately said to me, “Your family is first and foremost my children and responsibility. Do you not know me as Jehovah Jireh, your great Provider? I shall provide for them, NOT you! You cannot do all things on your own. Does not my word clearly say, ‘I can do all things through Christ (NOT Kiseler) who strengthens me’? Furthermore, lately you have not been diligently seeking me; and doesn’t my word also say, ‘I am a rewarder of those who diligently seek Me?’ You have been so preoccupied with everything else but seeking or consulting with me first…and let’s not even go there about your beliefs. You believe IN Me and believe that I can and will give others the desires of their hearts; but why is it so hard for YOU to believe that I can and will do the same for you? That’s because the keyword here is BELIEVE. When you truly believe in whatever you ask Me for, then I will manifest your requests!”

Man I tell you…God is no joke! He knows us better than we know ourselves.

If we would only take the time out to be more like Mary instead of Martha, then God would definitely give us the desires of our hearts. Mary made time for Jesus because she knew that she would learn something from the Lord and that there would not be many opportunities to lay at His feet and fellowship with Him. Martha, on the other hand, could not see that. She was too busy running around trying to make everything alright or too busy focusing on perfection or the appearance thereof. Little did she know that the more time she spent dwelling in the presence of the Lord, the easier or lighter her burdens would become.

Martha was running around being a busy body as if she’d miss out on something if she slowed down or stopped. Well think about it this way, being a busy body can and will cause not only Martha but us as well to miss out on two things: Life and the Lord. If we’re too busy worrying about getting things done, cleaning, or perfecting, then we’ll miss out on life. We’ll miss out on watching the children around us grow up or the relationships that could develop and grow or the beauty in the things that God created on this Earth. If we’re too busy to make time for God, then we’ll miss out on all the blessings He has in store for us. We’ll miss out on all the secrets He has yet to share with us. We’ll miss out on all the knowledge, wisdom, and understanding He has to offer us.

The ultimate lesson I’ve learned from my discussion with God and the story of Mary and Martha was to make time for Him. I don’t care if it’s just a half an hour or fifteen minutes within the day, I must diligently seek Him day after day. I must consult with Him first. So the next time you find yourself saying these two words, “I’m busy”, ask yourself: “Am I being a Preoccupied Martha or an Opportunistic Mary?”


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