Rescuing Lois Lane

Visit my Natural Hair T-shirt Shop HERE Last week while braiding my stepdaughter's hair, a song came on the Music Choice cable channel that I was listening to, and it really grabbed my attention. The musical track is what captured my attention at first. Then, I paid closer attention to the lyrics and said, "oh my goodness! That song not only has a nice, catchy melody to it, but it has a lot of gems within the lyrics." As I'm sure you all know how my mind operates by now...I started seriously contemplating those lyrics, and I decided to look up the artist and the song on YouTube so I could really analyze those lyrics even more. I could share how I broke down and analyzed every verse of the song, but then this blog post would be much longer than I planned. So, I'll spare you all some time by just giving my broad observation and thoughts of the song. First and foremost, the song is about a woman being ready to be rescued by Mr. Right, who would be symbolic ...