"He's Getting Help!"

     The stance that Colin Kaepernick  took in regards to the protest of the National Anthem has spread like wildfire, and I must say...I Love it!
     Stand (sit) for something or you'll fall for anything!  Always take a stand for what is right & what you believe in!
     Right now, I can't help but think of this line: "He's getting help boys!"
It's a line from the movie Enemy of the State. It's in the scene where Gene Hackman "helps" Will Smith by removing all or most of the tracking devices from his clothing & shoes.

     Why does this scene remind me of what Colin and some other NFL players are doing, you ask? Here's why...
     Just as those tracking devices tried to have a hold on Will or tried to control his whereabouts, there is a huge control in the NFL & NBA. They really haven't tapped into or unlocked their full power yet, but for them to do something like this...it's a start, and many racist white folks, including some Team Owners, are saying: Damn it! "He's getting help!"
     Trust and believe they're all trying to figure out a way to stop these players from exercising their 1st Amendment Rights.
     I, personally, wish all Black players of All major sports would take control & use their power more wisely by starting their own league! They make enough money to do so. If they could only take Dr. Claude Anderson's advice and practice "Powernomics", which is a term that means to basically pool your resources together and unite in order to leverage and exercise the power you have. The sooner these athletes, entertainers, and business owners realize this, the better off we'll be.


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