Pillow to Post

Have you ever heard someway say these words: "She's going from pillow to post"?
Well, what that basically means is, the person has no stable home or has no stability in their life.
I can remember a time when I too was from "pillow to post", just back and forth between my great-grandmother's and my mother's house as a child. Then there was a time in my teenage years when I was living with an older cousin, we moved quite a bit as well. Again, from pillow to post...from place to place...from apartment to apartment...from house to house. ...from house to motel/hotel. Yes, I said hotel! We stayed at a hotel for a brief moment of our "pillow to post" season. Although we can laugh about it to this day by calling it to roach motel, Lol, it wasn't a laughing matter at the time.

You see what brings me to this topic is two things: Indecisiveness and being stuck in life.
When you don't have stability in your life, you don't have clarity or focus. When you don't have clarity and/or focus or direction, then its kind of hard to make wiser decisions, which can leave your situation looking bleak, having you in a place where you appear to be stuck.
I say "appear to be", because it doesn't have to be that way in reality.
We each have the power to change our circumstances or lives for the better. It just boils down to choice! We can choose to remain stuck & wallow in our own self-pity or we can get up and Do Something about it!  It's up to us. Do we want to remain in a "stuck" frame of mind while going from "pillow to post"? No, I think not!
So, the best thing to do in order to get out of that vicious cycle of going from pillow to post is to STOP! Just Stop for a few minutes and really quiet your mind. Tame it, put it in check! Stop and say, you know what?  I am NOT destined to live from pillow to post! I am NOT destined to be an indecisive person! I am going to sit here and work this thing out if it kills me! I am going to think nothing but positive thoughts even in the midst of this chaotic or bleak situation! I can just start where I am, with the skills and knowledge that I already have, as long as I just Start!

So, with me, it started with my mindset.  I started changing my thoughts, thinking more about where I would like to be in life as opposed to where I was. I started the process of visualization.  Start visualizing the things you desire and visualize yourself having them. Then, write out a plan of action to bring it to manifestation.  Because let's be real...we can visualize all day long, but without an actual plan, that's all it is, just a vision or dream.
We gotta Move! Do something to Make it happen!
When you become so determined in your mind that you refuse to live your life from pillow to post that you're willing to do whatever is necessary, then you are definitely Ready to Grow! You are definitely Ready for the next phase of your life.
Now go out there and Get it! Start your Plan of action with the tools & resources you already have. And...don't forget to KISE (Keep it Simple Enjoy)!!!


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