I Think, Therefore I Am

There's a famous quote by a French Mathematician named Rene Descartes , which says, "I think, therefore I am." There's also a Bible scripture that relates to this and has been heavy on my mind lately. It's Proverbs 23:7, which states..."For as he thinks in his heart, so is he." Now, these are some powerful words! It really exemplifies the importance of thinking positive thoughts. By doing so, we can change our perspectives and ultimately change our outcomes. When we allow positive thinking, it also helps us to feel better about ourselves and the atmosphere around us. By thinking positive thoughts as well as focusing our attention on dreams and ways to manifest them, we're actually planting seeds for the manifestation process to begin. In case you were unaware of this...many things, events, or businesses first started in the mind or the heart. So, whatever we feed on, will definitely grow. The more time, attention, thought, and hard work ...