Never Underestimate the Power of a Praying AND Fasting Woman!

I hate to see or hear of anyone struggling, especially when they're putting forth as much effort as possible. So many times it seems as though when we try to take two steps forward, we're knocked back four. On the contrary, the key word there is "seems". Just because things "seem" to look a certain way, doesn't mean they actually are. For as Christians, we are to walk by faith and not by sight. I know at times this may be hard, but it is very much possible; which leads me to my Blog title: "Never Underestimate the Power of a Praying AND Fasting Woman".
When things "seem" to take a wrong turn or "seem" not to work in our favor, that's just a small indication that breakthrough is just around the corner. So, instead of giving up or giving in...I decided to hold on and fight! When I talked to my mother last week, she informed me of all the things my brother was going through. He had been struggling and under attack by the enemy, which "seemed" like from every which way. Nevertheless, I knew what I needed to do.
When you love and truly care someone, then you'd do whatever is necessary to come to that person's aid. So, I did what I was compelled to do in the situation. I prayed and fasted from breakfast AND lunch for three days. During that time, I sought God's face for clarity, peace, serenity, rest, assurance, and increase...all on behalf of my brother. I also did a lot of praise & worship, because I know from past experience that when praises go up...blessings come down! When we get in the presence of God, He hears...He restores...He refreshes...
I'll be honest for a minute now...I'd forgotten just how awesome & rejuvenating it can be in His be surrounded by His Love, mercy, grace, and anointing can make you feel 10-feet tall, as if you can conquer anything!
The Word of God says that we must worship Him in Spirit & in Truth. So, during my time of worship I just laid it all out for Him. I explained what was going on and how we needed Him to step in and supply all of our needs and be our comforter (He already knows the situation).
After much praise, worship, praying, & fasting (Tuesday, Wednesday, & Thursday) Friday afternoon, a praise report came through! My brother had called me to say that he had received favor and increase in one of his situations. I did my little praise dance at my desk while at work, and continued to smile and listen to my inspirational music.

To God be the glory!
K.R. Brumfield


Anonymous said…
I really needed to read this. I am currently educating myself on the power of fasting. The holy spirit has truly used your words as confirmation to what I was reading. Keep blogging and may god's favor continue to reign in you!
movinstar said…
@testimoniesofhisgoodness I don't know how I have been missing all these Blog comments, but it seems as though they're all just now appearing. Nevertheless, I wanted to say thank you for reading, and I am so glad you found value or confirmation in it. I pray that you were able to accomplish your goal of fasting, and the you are wonderfully blessed in all that you do. Take care, and feel free to share my Blog with others.

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