Sample From My Debut Novel "Blinded"

Tanya started asking Kevin questions because she felt as if something was going on; maybe there was another woman in his life. That would explain why he would never be home whenever she would call. His excuse for that was that he would be chillin' with his boys. Now this so-called excuse was starting to make Tanya jealous, because she felt as though he was starting to put his boys before her. Being the naive person that she was, she began to believe any and every thing that Kevin would tell her. Yes, no doubt, she was definitely sprung! Tanya began to do something that she said she was not only going to do since the first time he lied to her. She was going to trust Kevin. She started believing his excuses for where he would be or what he would be doing, which were really lies. She believed him all the times he said he loved her and wanted to make her his wife. The messed-up part about that was how he would bring Tanya around his family and also discuss marriage with his mother and sister, but never once put that ring on her finger. He would always talk about marriage, living together, and having kids, but talk is very cheap. Tanya was waiting around for him to get his act together, for his actions to speak louder than his words.
Another co-worker said, "Chillin' with my boys, my ass! He knows damn well he was with another woman! I can't believe you fell for that, Tanya. Oh yeah, you was sprung, whipped, foolish, naive, and everything else for this dude. I'm glad you left him alone. You did leave him alone, right? Please tell us that you did."
Tanya said, "Yes, I left him alone, but let me finish telling you what happened."
The co-worker said, "There's more?"
Tanya said, "Yes, there's more. Girl, you haven't even heard the half of it!" Tanya continued on.
There were times when Kevin had gone to jail. She never really knew the real reasons for him going, but she thought maybe it had something to do with drugs because he didn't have a real job. All he wanted to do was run with his boys, smoke weed, and drink everyday. This was his daily routine, and Tanya knew that he did these things, but because she fell in love with him somehow, she stuck by him through all the things he had gone through. It had even gotten to the point where he would just roll up his blunts with his friends and smoke in front of her. Tanya didn't say anything. There was a time when she even went into the store to buy the cigars for him to smoke his weed. This was her first time doing something like this, so she was scared. As she was going in the store, she noticed a police car sitting right in front of the store.
***To find out what happens next, ORDER your copy of Blinded to finish reading the story***
K.R. Brumfield
Life is a journey. Enjoy the scenery!