Lordy, Lordy, She's 50!

Yep, my cousin turned 50 on October 6th. The Big 5-0! So, we went home to New Orleans for the weekend (Oct. 7-9, 2011) for a Family get together. We had a great time. We had barbecue ribs, barbecue chicken, barbecue hamburgers, jambalaya, red beans & rice, potato salad, deviled eggs, baked macaroni & cheese, and of course Birthday Cake!

We laughed, reminisced, ate, danced, and joked around.

If you all have not noticed by now...I am very BIG on Family! When we get together, we just have a blast! Although, I miss the days when I was a little girl living with my Great-Grandparents, and the entire family would come over and we'd play Bingo (For Money)! It was $.25 per Bingo card. usually my Great-Grandfather or my little cousin would win. There would be so many of us all throughout the house. My Great-Grandfather, Gramp, would yell all the way from his bedroom: "Man gone!" That was his way of yelling, "Bingo!" We would all just laugh at first, and then get mad because we had lost.

Back to the 50th Birthday gathering...

My cousin's father and uncle had traveled from California. So, of course she was very happy to see them. her uncle cracked us up with the stories he told of years ago.

Overall, we had a great time! Can't wait until our next get together.

Be Blessed!

~K.R. Brumfield


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