New Beginnings

We are fastly approaching a new year, and I am definitely ready for New Beginnings. I declare that 2012 is my year for Change! It's going to be a year full of great changes!

You know, sometimes we have to speak into our own lives..."speak those things that be not as though they were".

So, as I embark upon my season of New Beginnings, I will be utilizing the power my tongue (speaking life), of visualization, and creativity.

On another note...
My first magazine appearance was posted in the August issue of Epitome Gospel Magazine. I shared my testimony in hopes of it inspiring others and reaching whomever needs freedom from bondage and condemnation. For more information on the magazine or where to purchase your copy of the August issue, go to their website:

I must admit that I was rather excited when I saw the 2-page posting of my testimony. Excited because the testimony is what inspired me to write my first novel Blinded, and it is well on its way of fulfilling its purpose.


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