Keep Moving, Shake it Off, Stay Focused!

Today's message was right on time! Bishop T.D. Jakes preached "Keep Moving, Shake it Off, and Stay Focused!" This message is right on time with the adjustments I'm making in my life, which includes: stop caring so much, stop putting others before myself, stop wasting energy on unnecessary things or people. Bishop also mentioned the fact that some of us have so much to give, but are the receivers ready to receive or handle it. I myself have so much to give, so now I'm making adjustments as to who and when I give it.

Here are some valuable notes I jotted down from the message today:
  • Wisdom doesn't boast about being wise.
  • Wisdom doesn't have to prove anything.
  • How you react to things determines if you are a pretender or truly wise.
  • Situations we go "through" only bring us "to" our diving purpose.
  • You MUST have a sense of purpose or Mission!
  • I have flaws, but HE sent me!
  • I'm not perfect, but HE created me!
  • The Spirit of Disagreement is nothing but a distraction from your calling or mission (Sometimes we have to hold our peace for the greater plan! Stop fighting!)
  • Agree or come together to get the job done!
  • Save my energy to fight the true enemy
  • Shake it off and stay focused on the mission
  • HE sent us out as sheep amongst wolves (He will send something in our lives to make us vulnerable or uncomfortable as part of the divine plan to shape & mold us)
  • HE didn't call us to fight the wolves!
  • "Maintain your focus and keep moving!" - Bishop Jakes by way of Holy Spirit
  • Most people around you will not push you or agree with what you are trying to do
  • God already has the "How" figured out! (Don't focus on the "How". Keep moving & Stay focused!)
  • It's already done!
  • HE will give me houses I did not build, land I did not till. (I'm the reaping crew! YAY! Bountiful Harvest!)
  • You have to be spiritual to discern certain levels of movement or decision-making!
  • Rejection is a sign that that is NOT your place!
  • Just because they don't receive you doesn't mean HE hasn't sent you!
  • Channeled energy brings Life
  • Wasted energy brings death
Years ago when I was going through, I planted so many seeds and stood on the scriptures within the book of Joel, chapter 2.
Thank you Lord for the Bountiful Harvest! Thank you for the former and the Latter Rain!
All praise, honor, and glory be to You!

Today's message was also right on time, because it confirms the poem I wrote last night titled: "Shield of Faith" I will post in a separate posting after this.

~ Kiseler


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