R.I.P. Jordan M. Scott, Sr. (Gramp)

I received a phone call around 4:30 a.m. on Thursday, February 3, 2011 from one of my cousins. She said, "So I guess you heard the news, huh?" I asked, "What news?" That's when she told me... Gramp died. He had died in the hospital. My Great-Grandfather was 99 years old, just 3 months and 12 days shy of his 100th birthday!

I went home to New Orleans for the funeral, Saturday, February 12, 2011. The funeral service was nice. It was definitely a "Celebration of Life". After the service, there was a Second Line March in his honor. We marched from the church to his house, then to the cemetery for the burial.

Of course we'll all miss him, but we can't be too sad because Gramp has lived a long, fulfilling life. May he rest in peace with his wife Virginia Scott, also known as Big Mommie, who died in 1987.


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