Music Lover

Ever since I can remember, music has always been a lover of mine. Knowing now what I wish I knew back then, I would've taken some sort of music lessons. Unfortunately, I didn't. Music is just so universal! It speaks to us in many ways. If you have something to say but just don't quite know how to say it, music can speak for you. If you're feeling low, down & can lift you up. If you're feeling happy, joyful, & full of energy, there's music for that as well. If you need to express your feelings of love, disappointment, or disgust to the significant other in your life...there's music for that too.

Its funny how you could listen to a song and reflect back to when, where, who, what, and why. I think its because we've associated certain songs with certain times, incidents, or people in our lives, so its hard to forget some songs.

I just wanted to take this time out to express how much I love music. I wake up with a song in my head, in my heart, and on my mind. I listen to music throughout the day: in the car and on the job. I also listen to music before I go to bed at night.


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