"Even Angels" by Fantasia Barrino

Today I watched the most recent episode of Fantasia for Real (vh1 Reality Show) online. I cried on several scenes. I cried when she was arguing with her father. I cried when her friend Santashia spoke to the kids at the shelter AND when she was talking to Fantasia afterwards. I cried when she hugged her mother and told her that she was done with her father. ...I just cried. I cried because I really feel her pain. She just wants to be understood and not taken for granted. So many people within her household depend on her. That's a lot for her to deal with, but by God's grace...she is coping, she will be ok.

I also listened to her new single: "Even Angels". This is a beautiful song! I have listened to it over and over again. It really touches my heart in so many ways. I can relate on so many levels with this song.

I cried tears of joy...while listening to this song because it reminds me of where I've come from and I think about where I am now (how far God has brought me) as well as where He's taking me!

When some things didn't go as planned in my life, at times I was afraid of starting over. I had to relearn myself. I had to learn how to move on. I had to learn to fly. I had to learn to NOT be afraid to learn how to fly. Many times I had to do exactly what Fantasia's lyrics said: "Take a deep breath, take time, walk, run, and dive"...I had many close calls where I thought I'd fall, but I had to try anyway...and learned how to fly! So, this song is a definite reminder of how I made it through all the close calls, heartaches, disappointments, and rejections I've been through in life. It also reminds me that starting over and learning to fly may not be easy, but it can (and sometimes MUST) be done!

...and I know that we should leave the past in the past, but sometimes God takes the simplest things or our previous incidents or circumstances to just remind us of how grateful we should be. Every now and then He'll use these things to remind us not to take our lives or Him for granted. So, if everyone were to reflect back on their lives, I'm sure they'd be crying tears of joy as well.


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