Crossroads much has been happening that I haven't really had time to blog. I guess I'll start with what's happend most recently, which you'll in turn see why I titled this blog "Crossroads".

On October 22, 2009, my employer held an “All-hands meeting” and announced that they would be closing its doors of our work location. That was the day we all were officially laid-off. Some were hurt and disappointed, while others were happy and excited.

Then all kinds of questions and discussions began. Many wondered and asked what we’d do next, if we’d immediately seek other employment or just take a break. Because I had been praying and asking God for the opportunity to be self-employed by the end of 2009 and now that the job has ended, all sorts of ideas have been running through my head. Therefore, I am at a “crossroad”, waiting on guidance to know which direction to take. I want to start a business, but I know that will require capital, which I do not possess at this time. I also want to pursue my writing career and start a book tour.

I also have to consider my monthly household expenses, so whatever I decide to do…this is do or die for me! Although I have been laid-off from my job, I am not saddened, hurt, or depressed. I actually feel calm and peaceful. That’s because I know that I will be ok. God has not allowed this to happen only for me to fall apart. I know He’s going to make a way. He always has, and always will take care of me.

So, while I am at a “crossroad”, I will continue to pray, write, and revamp my marketing strategy for my book(s).

Peace & Blessings!


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