Much Thanks!

Well Thanksgiving has come and gone, and I have so much to be thankful for. I got the chance to spend time with my family in Louisiana. My nephew is getting taller...he's so cute! He's running around getting into everything. He's also singing nursery rhimes now, like Row, row, row ya' boat and Twinkle Twinkle Little Star. His little face just lights up when he starts singing.

I'm just thankful that I have the opportunity to spend time with family members whenever I can. There are many people who can't really say that because they may be separated by miles and miles or oceans from each other. Studies have also shown that the holidays are usually the time of year when most people are depressed. Maybe because this is usually the time of year when they miss their lost loved ones the most. That's why I titled this "Much Thanks", because we all need to give much thanks! So many of us take life for granted thinking that we will have time later to mend broken hearts or see a loved one tomorrow...but that's not so. We are not promised tomorrow! So, please be thankful for TODAY, and try to spend as much time with your loved ones as possible. Try to love & cherish every minute you can!


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