Shouting Tantrum!

You said to ask and we'll receive!
You said to only believe!
Well I've asked, believed, prayed, fasted, shut-in, AND worked my faith!
Still nothing!

You said, "Faith without works is dead"!
Well I understand that means "Faith with works is very much alive"!

So, if my faith is alive, then by all means bring every other area in my life ALIVE!

This is crazy!
I'm waiting on you...
You're waiting on me...

Something has to give!
Someone has to make a move!

I'm doing the best I can with what I've got!
Still waiting for that day of ultimate Freedom!

To hell with this Modern Day Slavery!

You said in your word, "He who the son sets free is free indeed"!

Why do we as humans still tend to feel in bondage?

I am not only having a shouting tantrum for myself!
But I am crying outward and inward for all others who are waiting to be released from this
Modern Day Slavery!

We want Freedom!
Freedom to explore the beautiful Earth you've blessed us with!
Freedom to communicate with our fellow human beings without putting up all the walls or
having to watch what we say or how we say it!

We want FREEDOM!

Did you NOT give us Free will?
A choice?!
Freedom to make our own decisions!

Lord, we are all crying out for answers!!
Please give us a response that we can easily understand!!!

This is my plea!
This is our plea!

We need you NOW more than ever!

Please forgive me for this Shouting Tantrum!

- Kiseler :(


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