Superficial Irresponsibility

Today I had a deeply concerning conversation with an acquaintance of mine. We discussed our frustrations, in quite a respectfully passionate way, regarding fellow Black women who are superficially irresponsible. Before I go into further details, let me put this disclaimer out... *DISCLAIMER* Neither I, nor my acquaintance have any hatred, malice, or ill-will towards our Black sistahs. Furthermore, nor do we harbor any feelings of jealousy or envy towards one another or any other Black woman for that matter, as we are very confident, critical thinking individuals who strongly believe in personal growth and development, Black unity, and if you think this post is about bashing Black women, IT IS NOT! My goal with this post is to bring about awareness and to empower other Black women to regularly practice self-analyzation that brings about growth. We went on to discuss this Million Dollar question: Why do we see so many Black women putting their wants before the...