
Today I had a thought and decided to elaborate on it. Have you ever received an email, text, letter, or participated in a conversation, and then later on you discovered that you or the other person(s) involved misinterpreted the whole communication? In your mind, you though you were being clear, concise, and to the point. However, in the other person's mind, they thought you meant something totally different. What makes one person interpret a message one way, while the other interprets the same message differently? I think the answer to that is simple. Everyone interprets information differently. Some people's brainwaves function on a vague level, whereas others operate on a more detailed level. Let me explain further... Some people can only grasp and/or process smaller pieces of a puzzle before seeing the big picture; while others initially look at the bigger picture and work their way down to the smaller pieces. Case in point: If someone requests you to complete...